Positive Benefits for the Whole Community
Community Grants
Pine Rivers Community Finance Limited (PRCF) operating the Community Bank Samford branch is proud to distribute the majority of its profits each year to address local issues and influence positive change in the community.
Grants are available to eligible non-profit organisations in the Pine Rivers region, for projects that benefit the wider community. Our primary focus is on families, youth, health, education, the environment and the arts.
We are proud of our history of distributing more than $2million to local community projects – click here to read about our successful recipients.

Funding Principles
Charitable and not-for-profit organisations can apply for a grant towards projects and activities that offer clear public benefit for our community: Contributing to their development in building social capital, community welfare, environmental, health, education, sporting or cultural areas.
Funding is generally limited to $10 000 per organisation, though larger joint ventures may be considered at times.
Please email to arrange a preliminary conversation prior to completing an application, if you are unsure of your project’s eligibility, or if you are seeking funds outside our general scope.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Not-for-profit objectives.
- An active ABN.
- Must have a connection with the Samford or Pine Rivers region.
- Project must benefit a community group (not an individual member of the community).
- A willingness to engage in a long-term relationship with the Community Bank Samford.
- A willingness to promote the Community Bank Samford to your membership/stakeholders (a recommended promotional kit will be provided to successful applicants).
- We do not fund projects retrospectively.
- Applications will not be accepted from organisations that have not successfully acquitted previous grants.
Defibrillator Program
Want to know more about our Defribrillator Program or how to apply to have an AED device installed? Check out our information here.
How to Apply for a Grant
In 2025 the first grant round will be a targetted invitation only round.
There are two dedicated grant rounds per year – mid-April and mid-September. Open and close dates will be notified on our social media pages and through email if you are a registered community group with Community Bank Samford.
If you are seeking funding outside these grant rounds for time-sensitive projects, please email Applications are reviewed periodically therefore we suggest you get in touch first to discuss.
Grant Applications Up to $1000
Complete the Online Grant Application Form
We invite non-profit organisations in the Samford and Pine Rivers community to complete the grant request form below.
Applications under $1000 can be submitted at any time throughout the year. Your application will be assessed at the next Community Engagement Committee meeting and a recommendation made to Board. This process can take 8-10 weeks from submission to response.
Applications Over $1000:
Complete a Full Application Via Our Community Enterprise Foundation Portal
Grant applications are invited during our two dedicated grant rounds. Requests outside these times will be considered, but we encourage you to make contact first at
Need More Information?
Not sure if your project meets our criteria or simply want more information?
Those organisations requiring further information are encouraged to reach out for further information to or our branch:
Community Bank Samford, Shop 3, 37 Main St, Samford Qld 4520. P: 07 3289 6710
When completing the application form, please ensure all questions are answered. If you are not sure what something means or need a little extra help, get in touch!
All successful applications are approved by the Board of Directors at their discretion.